California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum * Little Plum Bitterroot

Lewisia cotyledon is native to Northern California and Southern Oregon. Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum has pale pink flowers with the petals streaked by darker veins. Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum grows 4-6" tall. Little Plum Bitterroot blooms in Spring and Summer. Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum will require excellent drainage. Lewisia plants often rot when watered overhead. It is a good idea to tilt the plants so water does not collect on the succulent leaves. They do well inserted in rock walls or crevices between a couple of rocks. Cotyledon means little cup. Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum should be planted with the crown above the level of the surrounding soil. Drip irrigation is a good way to provide moisture without wetting the foliage.

Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum, Little Plum Lewisia

Pink flowers and foliage of Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum - Little Plum Lewisia. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.

Plants from the genus Lewisia featured on this site:
Lewisia brachycalyx * Short Sepaled Bitterroot
Lewisia cotyledon Elise * Elise Cliff Maids
Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum * Little Plum Cliff Maids
Lewisia rediviva * Bitterroot