California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Geijera parviflora - Australian Willow

Geijera parviflora, the Australian Willow is a midsized upright tree with weeping branches. The grey-green leaves and dark trunk give a striking look to this tree. The Australian Willow has clusters of small white flowers near the ends of the branches followed by berries in the Spring. Geijera parviflora is quite tolerant of drought but prefers a well watered garden, consider it adaptable. Expect the roots from Geijera parviflora to find any nearby well watered garden plots. The Australian Willow typically grows up to 30 feet tall and 20 wide. Geijera parviflora needs to be thinned regularly or it will be thick with crossing branches. Nearby patios or walkways should be protected with root barriers as the Australian Willow is prone to lifting such things, sometimes dramatically. The Australian Willow drops a lot of leaves, a second reason to stay back from patios is the cleanup required. Geijera parviflora is Winter hardy down to temperatures approaching 15°. Plant out in the open away from structures and the Australian Willow is a great tree for the garden.

Geijera parviflora, Australian Willow

Flowers and foliage of Geijera parviflora - Australian Willow. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.

Geijera parviflora, Australian Willow

Flowers and foliage of Geijera parviflora - Australian Willow and surprise visit by a Palm Warbler.